FETAC at IILTDuring 2004, IILT began a process of engagement with the Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) with a view to achieving recognition as an accredited education and training provider. This objective was in line with IILT’s view that adult participants on courses offered by IILT should be enabled to achieve accreditation that would contribute to their progression to further training, further or higher education, and access to the labour market in Ireland. This process culminated in IILT becoming one of the first 17 training centres in Ireland to receive a parchment of accreditation by FETAC in November 2005.
FETAC accreditation in ESOL, Computer Literacy, Preparation for Work, and Personal Effectiveness is provided by IILT as part of its courses. FETAC assessments are carried out twice a year, and lead to nationally recognised certification of learners’ achievements.